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Q: What name is given to the upward and downward movement of air in the atmosphere?
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The relationship between the upward and downward forces exerted in liquids is given by the liquid's what?

A liquid's buoyancy is determined by its specific gravity (density).

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Camber is the amount of deflection provided in the opposite direction of loadings. That is when the beam is subjected to Vertical downward loadings, the beam has a tendency of deflecting downwards. In this case, camber value is to be given in the upward direction so that when it is fully loaded condition, the beam would have almost zero deflection. Similarly, when the beam is subjected to vertical upward loadings, the camber value is to be given in downward direction. The purpose of camber in steel beam is to have almost zero deflection w.r.t.o beam axis after loading of beam as highlighted earlier. by R.Ravichandran, Chennai-49

Why do Cumulonimbus clouds Bring cold fronts?

They don't. It is the other way around. Cold fronts commonly cause cumulonimbus. Such clouds form when the atmosphere is unstable, meaning that a parcel of air, when given an upward nudge, will continue to rise on its own. A cold front provides that upward nudge to trigger cumulonimbus development.

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atmosphere be the answer !

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Mandatory symbols

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thrusting inward and upward into the abdomen

Actually i want to know the meaning of up and down what is the meaning of it in a sentence?

1: moving backward and forward along a given course; The prisoner walked up and down the corridor. 2: alternately upward and downward; She eyed him up and down. Ive been going up and down these stairs all day.

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Peristalsis is the name given to the rhythmic movement of food along the oesophagus.

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brownian movement