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Q: What number is oxygen in the periodic table?
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What is oxygens group number?

Oxygen is a non-metal in the group 6A of the periodic table.

What does the six above oxygen in the periodic table mean?

Oxygen has an atomic number of 8, not 6. The number above an element on the Periodic Table generally is the atomic number. Carbon has an atomic number of 6.

What is the atomic number of oxygen (o) the periodic table?

Oxygen's atomic number is 8.atomic number of oxygen (O) is eight

What element in the periodic table has the atomic number 8?

Oxygen (O)

Where is oxygen placed in the periodic table?

Oxygen is at the top of Group 16. It has an atomic number of 8.

What period of the periodic table is oxygen in?

Oxygen is in Period 2 , Group 16 ( VI A) of periodic table

How many electronshells does oxygen have?

It has 2. It is number 8 on the Periodic Table of Elements.

What does the number 15999 signify on the periodic table?

15,999 Atomic weight of oxygen

How many elements are in group 16 of the periodic table?

there are five element in group 16 of the periodic table

How much protons are in oxygen?

Oxygen has 8 protons. The number of protons tell you which number the atom is in the periodic table, so you can just look at the periodic table and the element's number to find out how many protons it has.

Why is the an oxygen atomic number 8?

Oxygen atoms contain 8 protons in their nuclei, therefore oxygen is atomic number 8 on the periodic table.

What is the 8th element on the periodic table?

When looking at a periodic table, each column is referred to as a separate group (excluding the transition metals in the middle) Group 8 is the group furthest on the right. It contains the Noble Gases, which include Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon.