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Q: What organism is responsible for converting nitrogen into nitrates?
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What must nitrogen be conoverted into be an a living organism use it?

Well there are bacteria that us nitrogen and convert it into ammonia and ammonium. For wide us of nitrogen it must also be converted into nitrates and nitrites or NO3- and NO2-, respectively. Infact fertilizers are ammonium and nitrates. For a visual application look at the nitrogen cycle.

How Is Nitrogen From The Atmosphere The Biotic Part Of The Ecosystem Converted In The Biotic Part Of The Ecosystem In Organism?

Conversion of Nitrogen gas into Nitrates\Ammonia.-When Lightning strikes the nitrogen in air get converted into Nitrogen Oxides and then is brought down by rain in from of Soluble Nitrates.These Nitrates are the soluble form of nitrogen for plants. Though lightning play a minor role in nitrogen fixation.-Nitrogen is also fixed by Microorganisms which are free-living or the organisms that live in the plants (Symbiotic relations).These Organisms convert the nitrogen in soluble nitrates.-Nitrogenous Fertilizers are also one from of Soluble nitrogen.*** These Nitrates and ammonia fertilizers are then consumed by plants and the plants are consumed by us.Hence Nitrogen is in the Biotic Part of the Ecosystem.

If the culture does not undergo a color change on the addition of solutions A and B explain how you would interpret this result?

nitrates were not reduced by the organism or the organism possessed such potent nitrate reductase enzymes that nitrates were rapidly reduced beyond nitrites to ammonia or even molecular nitrogen.

What type of organism is primarily responsible for the conversion of nitrogen into a useable form?


What organism is responsible for changing nitrogen gas into nitrogen into solid nitrogen compounds?

Chemoautotrophs like Nitrogen fixing bacteria

How does Rhizobium help its host organism?

Rhizobium helps the plant in which it settled (Rhizobium is the host) by converting the nitrogen present in the atmosphere and the soil into nitrates and nitrites salts,so that the plant uses for its growth and in return it gives food and nutrients to the bacteria .This type of connection between 2 organisms is call symbiotic relations or symbiosis.

What organisms absorbs nitrates from the soil?

The organism you are talking of is Rhizobium Bacillus. It lives in a symbiotic relationship with plants and fix nitrogen gas into forms like ammonia.

How are the process of nitrogen fixation and denitrification different?

nitrification= it is the conversion of ammonia first into nitrites then into nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. dentrification=it is the conversion of nitrites and nitrates into free nitrogen.

What is the transfer of nitrogen from air to soil to organism?

Nitrogen cycle

What process in an organism is linked to the carbon cycle but not the nitrogen cycle?

Respiration in an organism is linked to the carbon cycle but not the nitrogen cycle.

What are the steps of how a cell becomes an organism?

it takes million of year to evolve in a organism coacervates<nitrates particle<nuetron particle<simple bacteria <complex bacteria<simple organism<complex organism

What happens to the nitrogen in organism's body when the organism dies?

When an organism dies the nitrogen in its body it is released by action of decomposers. A desert is a biome that is very dry and little precipitation.