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Q: What percent of rocks on earth are sedimentary?
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How much of the Earth's outermost 10 miles is composed of sedimentary rocks?

Sedimentary rocks account for about 5 percent of the Earth's outermost 10 kilometers. These rocks cover 75 percent of the Earth's continental area.

What rock makes up ten percent of all sedimentary rocks?

Limestone makes up ten percent of all sedimentary rocks.

What percentage of rocks on earth are sedimentary?

Sedimentary rocks are the most common types of rocks that cover the earths surface because they are layered rocks. Approximately 65% of the rocks are sedimentary.

What are the kinds of earth rocks on earth?

The kinds of rocks on earth are Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic.

What percent of the earth's crust is sedimentary rock?

Sedimentary rock; this is because the earth is constantly going through the rock cycle and both igneous rock and metamorphic rock have a lot to deal with under the earths surface and sedimentary rocks doesn't it just builds and builds over time which creates 75% of rock the covers the earth surface.

Why there are no sedimentery rocks on earth crust?

The Earth's crust does have sedimentary rocks in it's structure - limestone, slate, chalk, are three examples of commonly found sedimentary rocks.

How many rocks are on the earth?

the three major rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock. igneous- volcanic rocks sedimentary- rocks with layers on top metamorphic- rocks that formed to another rock

What are the main things about sedimentary rock?

Usually, sometimes sedimentary rocks can be found creating on the side of pool's. And even though sedimentary rock is small, they can be used for big thing. Like houses, or even sculptures. 6 billion years ago when the earth was forming there were no Sedimentary rocks, as well as metamorphic, but there were igneous rocks. It was 3.9 billion years ago when the first sedimentary rocks began to appear!

The orgin of sedimentary rocks?

Sedimentary rocks come from the deposition of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water.

Why sedimentary rocks could not have been the first rocks on earth?

water is needed, and long periods of deposit of sediment at the bottom, to form the sedimentary rocks. A hot, molton earth could not have created such rocks.

Do sedimentary rocks come from the center of the earth?

No. Sedimentary rocks form relatively close to the surface. No rocks that we have access to come from the planet's center.

What percent of rocks are metamorphic sedimentary or igneous?

53% igneous, 23% metamorphic, and 24% sedimentary