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A mid-ocean ridge is formed along a line created by sea floor spreading. It usually consists of parallel mountain ranges separated by a valley. Sea floor spreading is the result of plate tectonics, where two crustal plates are moving apart. The ridge is formed along lines of the weakest points between the two plates.

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Q: What physical feature is created when the seafloor spreads?
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The process by which a feature spreads from one place to another 

What are underwater mountains found at divergent plate boundaries were the seafloor spreads apart?

a underwater mountain

When was Love Spreads created?

Love Spreads was created in 1994-11.

Does seafloor spreading hold the plates in place?

No, seafloor spreading does not hold the plates in place. Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed and spreads apart. It is driven by the movement of tectonic plates, which are actually responsible for holding the seafloor in place.

How does seafloor spreading results in new oceanic crust?

As the seafloor spreads apart, magma from the mantle inside the earth bubbles up to the ocean and hardens in the cool temperatures, producing new oceanic crust

What happens along a divergent boundary between two oceanic plates?

A rift valley, volcano, earthquake, trench.

A Rift zone Underwater volcano?

Yes, also known as seafloor spreading! A rift zone volcano is called a mid-ocean ridge. The seafloor splits & spreads apart at a mid-ocean ridge, with lava seeping out of this fissure. The lava forms new seafloor. The older seafloor moves away from the ridge. Therefore, our ocean floor is actually spreading, at a rate of about two inches per year in the Atlantic ocean, and about 13 in the Pacific.

What is the evidence for sea-floor spreading?

at the mid-ocean ridge, molten material rises up from the mantel and spreads out, pushing the older rocks to both sides of the ridge.

Why do magnetic stripes appear on the sea?

The seafloor spreads apart, creating new rocks that record magnetic orientation. Small grains of magnetite on the volcanic basalt (ocean floor) have magnetic properties.

Why do magnetic stripes appear on the seefloor?

The seafloor spreads apart, creating new rocks that record magnetic orientation. Small grains of magnetite on the volcanic basalt (ocean floor) have magnetic properties.

How was Allan Cox contributing to the theory of continental drift?

Cox contributed to continental drift theory by researching and proving that the seafloor spreads and that the Earth has experienced magnetic reversals. He did this by studying the layers of volcanoes and streambeds.

How did the new evidence support Hess's theory of seafloor spreading?

Umm Maybe by the way sea floor spreads apart along both sieds of a mid ocean ridge as new crust is added