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Acid rain is basically water with a pH below 7.

Most complex eukaryotic organisms prefer a neutral pH for their metabolic functions. If their pH decreases, the ability for them to survive will also decrease.

Organisms must always maintain internal homeostasis, but acid rain prevents them from doing so.

There are many problems caused by acid rain. It harms waterways worldwide. It disrupts lake ecosystems, kills wildlife, as well as trees in affected lakes, rivers and streams. Another problem is it will harm people when they breathe in smog, which is formed by acid rain. It also washes aluminum into the water supply. Birds can be harmed if they eat fish living in affected waters.

It can cause the things it hits to slowly deteriorate.

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13y ago

Acid rain causes erosion on buildings, making them weaker. It also pollutes rivers, lakes e.t.c. it causes damage to the photosynthesis in plants.

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Acid rain isnt a local problem, it is an international problem. It is caused by the world wide nation

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Can acid rain cause a storm?

No. Acid rain is polluted rainfall.

Do we cause acid rain?

Yes we do cause acid rain,we do by littering and doing bad stuff to the environment

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All countries cause acid rain. The more fossil fuels they use and the more industries they have, the more acid rain they create.

What kind of rain is an environmental problem?

Acid rain is the environmental problem in industrial areas.

What is the biggest cause of weathering?

Acid rain is the biggest cause. Acid rain forms when pollutants from factory smoke stacks mixes with rain clouds then the chemicals and the rain combine and acid rain is formed. Hope this helps :)