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Foliated grade

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Q: What refers to how much the metamorphic rock differs from parent rock?
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How hard is schist?

Schist is a metamorphic rock, and varies from fairly soft right up to very hard, depending on how much it has been metamorphosed.

What is a baked margin?

The baked margin is an area in the country rock, touching an igneous body, which has been thermally metamorphosed. It is basically a metamorphic aureole but on a much smaller scale

What happens to minerals during metamorphism?

Metamorphic rocks are created from rocks that are deformed by tectonic forces and/or are brought to temperature that are much different from those that they were first formed in (usually hotter). The effect of increased temperature is the growth of minerals from others that are no longer stable under the changed pressure and temperature conditions (e.g. diamond is formed from graphite under very high pressure and garnet growths at high temperatures and pressures from aluminium rich usually sedimentary rocks). The effect of shear stress on the rock (i.e. directed force creating not only compression but also deformation) is the change of shape of minerals as well as rotation and alignment of platy minerals into bands. These processes lead to the usually banded appearance of metamorphic rocks.

How can an igneous or metamorphic rock change into a sedimentary rock?

A sedimentary rock can change from that to a metamorphic rock then into an Igneous rock. e.g. Mudstone (sedimentary) is in the Zone of Diagenesis, when it is subjected to regional metamorphism (in mountain belts) it changes from a mudstone to a slate (low grade) then to a Phillite (medium grade) then a Schist (medium) then a gneiss (high grade) then into a Milonite (high grade) then once past the line of partial melting it has so much pressure and so much temperature that it turns into an Igneos rock. This is the basic explanation of this. If you want to know more, just ask me.Sedimentary rocks are changed into metamorphic by being buried deep enough that the heat and pressure alter their text, mineralogy, or other characteristics.

What months does it get cold in the US?

Typically November through March, although it differs depending on where you are. In Montana, for instance, the winter is much longer, and in Phoenix, for instance, it doesn't ever get very cold.