

Best Answer

°R = degrees Rankine, this is the absolute temperature scale relative to the Fahrenheit scale. 0

°R = -459.67

°F the freezing point of water = 491.67


°C = degrees Celsius (or Centigrade), this is the common metric temperature scale where the freezing point of water is 0

°C and the boiling point is 100


To convert from

°R to

°C subtract 491.67

° then multiply by 5/9 (0.555555....)
To convert from

°C to

°R multiply by 1.8 then add 491.67


To convert from

°R to

°F subtract 459.67


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Q: What relation between celsius and rankine scale?
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What is the normal body temperature 37 celsius on Rankine scale?

37 degrees Celsius = 558.27 degrees Rankine.

What is the unit used when measuring temperature?

There are four units for temperature: Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Rankine. The Kelvin scale is the same as the Celsius scale, just with the zero point being absolute zero. The Rankine scale is the same thing for the Fahrenheit scale. ■

What are the 4 termometric scale?

the four termometric scales are: -Celsius -Fahrenheit -Kelvin -Rankine

What equals a 100 degrees Celsius?

100 degrees on the Celsius scale, 212 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, 373 Kelvins, and 671 degrees (rounded) on the Rankine scale are all the same temperature.

What is unique about the kelvin temperature scale?

It is an absolute measurement scale of temperature. 0K is absolute zero there are no negative units on the scale (degrees centigrade [celsius] + 273 = degrees Kelvin). This also is the case on the Rankine temperature scale (degrees fahrenheit +459.69 = degrees Rankine)

How do you convert degrees celsius to degrees rankine?

To convert from degrees Celsius into degrees Rankine, add 273.15, multiply by 9, and divide by 5. For example, 0 degrees Celsius is equal to (0 + 273.15) = 273.15 x 9 = 2458.35 / 5 = 491.67 degrees Rankine. R = 9/5 (C + 273.15) For every additional degree Celsius, the difference between Rankine and Celsius increases by 9 / 5 = 1.8 degrees - the same amount as it increases for x+1 degrees Fahrenheit. Here is a small table: 0 degrees C = 491.67 Rankine. 1 degree C = 493.47 Rankine. 2 degrees C = 495.27 Rankine. Similarly, for every increase of one degree Fahrenheit, the number of degrees Rankine increases by 1. For example: 32 Fahrenheit = 491.67 Rankine 33 Fahrenheit = 492.67 Rankine. To convert Celsius to Rankine, first convert Celsius to Kelvin by adding 273.15, then multiply by 9/5 or by 1.8 to get the Rankine temperature. R = 9/5 (C + 273.15) *Rankine is the Fahrenheit temperature scale re-adjusted to start at absolute zero, so it is also the Fahrenheit temperature plus 459.67 degrees. -459.67°F = 0 R

What is 41.2 in Fahrenheit?

41.2 Fahrenheit degrees is: Celsius Scale : 5.11 Kelvin Scale : 278.26 Rankine Scale : 500.87 Réaumur Scale: 6.39 Rømer Scale : 10.18 Delisle Scale: 142.33 Newton Scale : 15.49

Who devised the different units used in temperature?

Some scales used for measuring temperature: Thermodynamic (absolute): Lord Kelvin Celsius: Anders Celsius (Swedish Astronomer) Fahrenheit: Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (Dutch-German-Polish physicist) Rankine: William John MacQuorn Rankine (Scottish Physicist) Reaumur: Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur (French Scientist) Romer (or Roemer): Ole Christensen Romer (Danish Astronomer). The units for the Thermodynamic and Celsius scales are the same, the Thermodynamic is an absolute scale. The units for the Fahrenheit and Rankine scales are the same, the Rankine is an absolute scale.

What temperature scales are there?

The most commonly used are Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. There are also Rankine, Delisle, Newton, Réaumur, and Romer. To measure the "heat" of spicy food, the Scoville scale is used. Chuis

What was the name of the scientist who invented the Rankine scale?

William John Macquorn Rankine

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Who uses the Rankine temperature scale today?

A few engineering fields in the U.S. measure thermodynamic temperature using the Rankine scale.