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Mafic, igneous rocks

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Annamae Wilkinson

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2y ago
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Q: What rock contains high density minerals such as olivine?
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What type of rock contains high-density minerals such as olivine?

Mafic, igneous rocks

Olivine and pyroxene are commonly found in igneous rocks that are?

Mafic, with high density

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Why does gabbro have a higher chemical weathering rate than granite?

Gabbro is mafic intrusive igneous rock and contains olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase and amphibole. These minerals are unstable at low pressure temperature conditions. In contrast, granite is felsic intrusive igneous rock and contains high amounts of quartz and orthoclase. Stability of minerals are increasing top to bottom in Bowen's Reaction Series.

In comparison to a low density lipoprotein a high density lipoprotein contains more cholesterol?

less lipid

What are the cohesive and cohesionless soils and how thr are differe from each other?

Cohesive soil contains high clay minerals whereas cohesionless contains less clay minerals.

What are the silicates made of?

Silicate minerals are those composed of silicon and oxygen atoms. Some of these minerals are quartz, feldspar, mica and olivine.

What is the density of iron ore?

The density of iron ore is variable. Iron ore refers to a rocktype that contains iron minerals. The type and concentration of the iron minerals as well the type and concentration of non-iron minerals determines the density of the iron ore. Typical high grade iron ore is approximately 65% hematite and 35% other (commonly silicate). The density of hematite is approximately 5 g/cc and a general density for crustal rocks (silicates) is approximately 2.67 g/cc. Therefore iron ore that is 65% hematite and 35% silicate would have a density of approximately 4 g/cc.

What cauliflower contains.?

vitamins minerals and veggieness

Which minerals crystallize out of ground water that has been heated by magma?

The Bowen's Reaction Series lists the order of crystallization of minerals from high temperature to low temperature environments, starting with olivine and ending with quartz. See the link below.

Is a gabbro a intrusive rock or a extrusive rock?

it is an intrusive igneous rock with composition equivalent of is dark colored due to high concentration of dark minerals;olivine,biotite,hornblende.