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Good luck with Mrs. Wendt's homework! But truth be told, I couldn't find it either.

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Q: What season are stratocumulus clouds most common in?
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What season do cumulonimbus clouds form?

Cumulonimbus clouds cann occur at any time of year, but are most common in the summer.

How does a Stratocumulus cloud form?

Stratocumulus clouds are below 2 km. Lighter less dense clouds. They often precede precipitation. Interesting Fact: If you point your hand toward the cloud. If the cloud is about the size of your fist, then it is stratocumulus.

Where does Mammatus cloud form?

Mammatus clouds form on the underside of a storm cloud and are most often associated with the anvil cloud that extends from a cumulonimbus. They have also been seen under altocumulus, altostratus, stratocumulus, and cirrus clouds, as well as volcanic ash clouds.

What are the 5 most common cloud?

1. Stratus 2. Cumulus 3. Cirrus 4. Cumulonimbus 5. Stratocumulus

Do you have any new information about cirrus clouds?

cirrus clouds are the most highest clouds and the most common

What type of clouds are most common in a hurricane?

Cumulonimbus clouds

Which two gases are most common in interstellar clouds?

The two gases that are most common in interstellar clouds,consist mostly of gas,especially hydrogen and helium.

What clouds brings steady precipitation?

Cumulonimbus or nimbostratus often are the most common of clouds that bring steady precipitation. Other clouds bring rain and snow, the these two bring it most often.

What season is logging most common in?

Logging goes on yearround, every season.

Where do clouds get their names?

The names of the various clouds are derived from Latin, and describe a distinguishing characteristic of that particular type of cloud.For example, stratus means spread out, and low-lying stratus clouds tend to cover most or all of the sky. Cirrusmeans curled, which high-flying cirrus clouds usually are. And cumulus clouds grow large and collect a lot of water; their name comes from the same root as accumulate.

In which season is malaria most common?

in rainy season malaria is more common because mosquito get enough water for breeding

Is there a season where tornadoes strike most?

Yes. While tornadoes can form in any season they are most common in the spring.