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Q: What segment of the atmosphere contains gases that maintain an approximately uniform composition?
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IN which layers of the atmosphere do gases maintain an approximately uniform composition?


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The Moon has no atmosphere of its own, being too small to maintain it.

What is The Atomsphere Composition Of EArth?

The Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and traces of other gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, and water vapor. These gases help regulate the Earth's temperature, maintain proper air quality, and support life forms on the planet.

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No. Their gravitational pull is simply too great to maintain any kind of atmosphere.

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Mercury has no atmosphere to speak of. There are traces of sodium, oxygen, argon, helium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen floating around' but it's pretty much hard vacuum down to the surface.

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gravity and temperature; It needs gravity so it can hold its atmosphere.

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How can you use cordial in a sentence?

They maintain a cordial atmosphere and a friendly rapport patient.