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Hydrogen bonds are strong intermolecular forces- weaker than covalent bonds that hold the molecules together. The diagram probaly shows molecules with otted lines from H atoms to an O or N aatom on an adjacent molecule.

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13y ago

Most things that come to mind when it comes to hydrogen bonds would be things such as DNA and RNA.

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The strands of the DNA double helix are held together by hydrogen bonds

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Hydrogen bonds are weak, but they are able to hold the backbones together. If covalent bonds held the templates together instead, the bonds would be even weaker and would likely break.

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The nitrogen bases are held together by hydrogen bonds.

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Adenine and Thymine Guanine and Cytosine held together by hydrogen bonds: 2 for A-T and 3 for G-C

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DNA contains four nucleotide bases, which are adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The pairs of nucleotides that can be held together by weak hydrogen bonds are purines and pyrimidines.

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Complementary strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds connecting complementary bases.

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hydrogen bonds

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hydrogen bonds

How are nucleic acids held together?

Through covalent and hydrogen bonds. The covalent bonds hold the pentose sugar-phosphate backbone together and are alternatively called phosphodiester bonds. The hydrogen bonds are between the nitrogen bases and hold the "rungs" of the ladder together.

What bond DNA forms a double helix?

The base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds.