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Q: What term denotes the larger mineral grains in a porphyritic igneous rock?
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Which rocks has two different size grains of the same mineral?

The rock is conglomerate. The other rock would be Breccia if its grains were not rounded.

Does a porphyritic texture include two different sizes of mineral grains?


Is pumice a metamorphic rock?

No pumice is not a porphyritic igneous rock, a porphyritic rock is characterized by the presence of phenocrysts (large mineral grains) and very small mineral grains with none in between. This implies that there was two different stages of cooling. Pumice is an extrusive igneous rock that cooled very quickly.

Igneous rock that forms deep inside the earth and has large mineral grains is called?

Intrusive igneous rock.

If igneous rock cools off slowly then its mineral grains will be?

Rough and coarse.

Why do igneous rocks that have the same composition sometimes have different sizes of mineral grains?

This is as a result of difference in the rate of cooling of the Igneous rocks.

Glassy igneous rocks form when magma cools too fast for mineral grains to grow?


Do Glassy igneous rocks form when magma cools too fast for mineral grains to grow?


What are the properties of intrusive igneous rocks?

They have mineral grains of nearly equal size, and have large crystals because they were cooled slowly.

What texture is igneous?

igneous is the texture of igneous rocks. The texture of igneous rocks is defined by 3 ways: a) Crystallinity- it expresses the degree of formation of crystals in an igneous rock. the texture of an igneous rock may be Holocyrstalline (Completely characterised by crystals, Hemicrystalline (partially having crystals) and holocrystalline (no crystals). b) Granularity- it is the size of the grains. it may be equigranular (when mineral grains are equal in size) or inequigranular (when mineral grains are not equal in size). c) shape of crystals- The shape of crystals may be Euhedral (When all crystals are of same shape), Subhedral (when they are partially similar in shape), Anhedral (when they are completely different in shape).

The grains found in igneous rock?

Igneous rock has played a major role in the crustal evolution of Earth and other ... If the melt solidifies at depth, then large mineral grains, termed phenocrysts, will result. .... Some of the common minerals found in igneous rock include ryan boman from dmap

Lin found an igneous rock with large grains of mineral crystal where did this rock most likely form?

d. on the surface of the Earth