

What to eat for potassium?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Bananas are a good source of potassium

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13y ago
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Q: What to eat for potassium?
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What can you eat to raise potassium levels in women?

There is nothing I can eat that will raise the potassium levels in women. But a woman could eat a banana to raise her potassium level.

What if you eat matches?

im not a doctor but matches do have potassium chlorate in them and potassium chlorate is toxic to eat

How do you get potassium out of nature?

Eat bananas - they're full of potassium!

How do africans eat their bananas?

to get potassium!

How do you increase potassium without supplements?

Eat a banana every day - an excellent source of potassium.

How to pick up potassium level up in the human body?

Eat foods high in potassium, such as a banana.

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are you serious... if not ... it is eat potassium...

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What is the moral lesson in the legend of banana?

are you serious... if not ... it is eat potassium...

If I eat a banana everyday, do I still need a potassium supplement?

Unless the rest of the food you eat through the rest of the day are completely devoid of potassium, you are getting small amounts of potassium through the other foods you eat throughout the day. So unless you are training like an Olympic athlete and eating nothing but Ding-Dongs and other junk, you probably aren't going to drop dead from a potassium deficiency if you don't take a potassium supplement.

Does a banana have potassium atoms or potassium ions?

It has potassium ions... an ion is what fills the highest occupied energy level... if it were just potassium atoms, u would blow up when you eat bananas... once the potassium bonds with another element it becomes stable

Why should you eat bananas?

If you need Potassium in your diet. Bananas are a good source of Potassium with around 422 mg per banana.