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Use to be LEAD in old paints. There are many toxic and harmful products in todays paints. Quit drinking that stuff!

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Q: What toxic substance is found is some paint?
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Is paint hazardous substance?

Some paint can be hazardous, but some is not. Paint that contains lead or other toxic pigments may be hazardous. Paint containing flammable solvents can be a fire or explosion hazard when in the can or when being applied.

Can you get sick from rotting things in your home?

It deepens on what is rotting. Some paint is toxic when it rots and some mushrooms are toxic when it rots.

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Non toxic paint is very good for children. Many children tend to sniff their school supplies. Crayola has made paint that is non toxic and safe for children use.

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No, it is not good. Some beans such as the commonly eaten, red kidney bean are quite toxic when eaten uncooked. Cooking the beans removes the toxic substance found in most beans.

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i pretty sure it was oil

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A chemical called toluene or methylbenzene is what produces feelings of euphoria, for some individuals. Highly toxic to the Central nervous system. It can be found in paint thinners, lacquers, and spray paint. Gold & silver spray paint contain the highest levels of toluene and are typically the most sought after

Are there any toxic ingrediants int he paint used in paintball guns?

Nothing toxic is found in any legally sold paintballs. So long as you get your paintballs from some reputable souce you're safe. In fact there's not really any paint in the balls. It's actually Propylene Glycol, Sorbitol, color dye and sometimes a little wax.

Joggers running along an urban running path noticed paint running out of a culvert into a nearby creek Local authorities investigated and found that some homeowners had painted the outside of their h?

toxic i think

Is black paint safe to use as eye makeup?

no. it is probably toxic. try some liquid eye liner that is black. it's like paint, but safe

Where can you buy a Twilight saga paint?

I found some paint at walmart in minnestoa,mineapolis

Is oil paint toxic?

Some oil based paints are toxic. Cadmium is toxic. Also, turpentine is toxic, but they make odorless thinners that work just as well. Obviously, you don't want to ingest any of these or leave it on your skin for too long.