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sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl)

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Q: What two elements react to make sodium chloride?
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How many elements join to make the compound sodium chloride?

Two: sodium and chlorine.

Why do you not get sick if you eat sodium chloride if chlorine is poisonous?

Sodium chloride is table salt - you will get sick if you eat too much. When elements combine to make compounds they have different properties to the elements that made them.

How does a sodium atom form a bond with a chlorine atom?

sodium has 11electrons and chloride 17 .Sodium has 2 unstable electrons that be lost to make it stable.When chloride has 7 unstable electrons and needs only 1 electrons to be come stable. When sodium and chloride react,sodium loses its electron and it is gained by chloride there by forming a compound sodium chloride NaCl

How do the properties of sodium chloride compare with the properties of sodium and of chlorine?

Sodium chloride is a nonreactive solid at room temperature, and is commonly known as table salt. The two elements that make up sodium chloride are sodium and chlorine. Sodium is a very reactive metal that tastes bad. Pure sodium is explosive when it comes in contact with water. Chlorine is a nonreactive gas that is poisonous, and will kill you if you breathe enough of it. Sodium chloride retains neither the properties of sodium nor the properties of chlorine. This is because compounds (such as sodium chloride) have their own characteristics, and not the characteristics of its component elements.

What is the halogens family?

The halogen family of elements make up group VIIA of the periodic table. They are the nonmetallic chemical elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. The name halogen means salt, and all of these elements, each having a valence of -1, will readily react with sodium to form the halides sodium fluoride, sodium chloride (common table salt), sodium bromide, sodium iodide, and sodium astatide.