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Q: What type of cloud is large tall clouds?
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What is the term culumonimbus assosiated with?

Cumulonimbus is i type of cloud. They are Tall Vertical clouds. Water vapor circulates in these clouds and picks up speed and other vapor, then when the droplets become heavy enough, they fall from the cloud

What is a stratonimbus cloud?

A nimbostratus cloud is a type of cloud that appears usually in groups and are large, dark rounded masses. These clouds move slowly and produce precipitation.. These clouds form low in the sky and the rain they produce could go on for days.

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How is a cumulonimbus cloud different from other clouds?

Cumulonimbus is the largest type of cloud. It is the only cloud that is tall enough to occupy low, medium and high heights. It is also the only (weather related) cloud that can form hail and lightning. Lightning can also be created in volcanic ash clouds, but they are not a weather related cloud.

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what is the lowest type of clouds

What type of cloud is white and fluffy?

regular clouds

Which type of cloud appears when its raining?

cumulonimbus clouds

What type of clouds to thunderstorms form in?

The clouds that thunderstorms from in are Nimbus clouds. Any type of Nimbus cloud can forms a thunderstorm. p.s. To divine a Nimbus cloud it is ether black or gray. But not every Nimbus cloud forms a thunderstorm only some, but keep that in mined.

What are cumulus nimbus clouds?

a type of cloud that is tall, dense, and involved in thunder storms and other intense weather. Actually they are called cumulonimbus -Ilikekittens