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Q: What type of job did Marija get at one of the smaller plants?
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Related questions

Why did Marija believe she lost her job?

Marija believed she lost her job was because she was active in the union.

What was marija's job?

Trimming beef

What job did Marija eventually get in The Jungle Book?

Marija eventually got a job working in a sausage factory after struggling to find stable employment in The Jungle Book.

Why did I marija believe she lost her job?

Marija believed she lost her job because she received a layoff notice from her employer, citing economic reasons or downsizing. It is common for individuals to attribute job loss to external factors beyond their control.

What job did marija have in the jungle?

Jurgis discovered that Marija was addicted to morphine in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.He refused to provide any money for the funeral.she was addicted to morhineshe was addicted to morphine a+

How did marija react to jurgis story?

Marija told Jurgis that she didn't blame him and would help him find a job.

What is the ocelot's job in a food web?

The ocelot is a secondary consumer. It feeds upon smaller animals, primarily animals that eat plants.

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Where might one go to find out what a job analysis does and where to find a job in this catagory?

A job analysis helps business recognize what areas of the business can be dangerous to employees and how to change it. To find a job in this field you should apply to plants or factories that need this type of employee.

What was marijas job in the jungle?

In the jungle, Marija worked as a beef-trimmer in the meatpacking industry. She was responsible for preparing and cutting meat for packaging and distribution.

How much does a boss earn?

It depends on the type of job, company, and responsibilities.It depends on the type of job, company, and responsibilities.It depends on the type of job, company, and responsibilities.It depends on the type of job, company, and responsibilities.It depends on the type of job, company, and responsibilities.It depends on the type of job, company, and responsibilities.

What job do carotenoids have in plants?
