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When two continental plates converge, it results in formation of high mountains such as the Himalayan mountain.

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Q: What type of mountains form at convergent boundaries where to oceanic plates meet?
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What types of mountains form at convergent boundaries where two oceanic plates meet?

volcanic mountains

What type os mountains form at convergent boundaries where two oceanic plates meet?

continental arc

How was the Andes mountain range formed?

The Andes Mountains were formed through subduction of the oceanic plate underneath the South American plate.

When are mountains most likely to form at a convergent boundary?

When two continental plates collide or a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate.

What are the three types of convergent plate boundries?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

How are divergent plates different from convergent plates?

Divergent Boundaries happen when two plates (oceanic or contental) begin to diverge, or move apart. Convergent Boundaries occur when two plates (again, oceanic or contential) begin to converge or move apart

What are the three types of convergent?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

What types of plate boundaries have subduction zone?

Convergent boundaries can form between two oceanic plates, between one oceanic plate and one continental plate, or between two continental plates.

What are the types of divergent boundaries?

The 3 general types are constructive, destructive, and conservative boundaries. Constructive (divergent) - plates move away from each other, typically creating a rift Destructive (convergent) - one plate will be subducted, or continental plates collide Conservative (transform) - plates grind past each other, stalling and slipping

Convergent boundaries can be divided into 3 categories what are these categories and what geological feature are created by each?

The categories are a continental and a continental plate colliding, continental and oceanic plates colliding, and oceanic and oceanic plates colliding. The two continental plates form mountains. The continental and oceanic plated colliding cause subduction zones and volcanoes. Oceanic and oceanic plates colliding form a trench.

What types of boundaries have subduction zones?

Convergent boundaries can form between two oceanic plates, between one oceanic plate and one continental plate, or between two continental plates.

What happens between oceanic and continental plates at convergent boundaries?

Convergent boundary+oceanic plate=subduction because the oceanic plate is more dense causing it to subduct down back to the mantle.