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When two plates move towards each other other again, the layers of sedimentary rock on the sea floor become crumpled and folded.

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Q: What type of plate margin can fold mountains be found?
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What is the relationship between the location of fold mountain and plate boundaries?

All fold mountains are found on convergent plate boundaries.

Are the Rocky Mountains fold mountains?

No, the rocky mountains were not formed on a destructive plate. That is wrong, they are fold mountains, they were formed on a weakening in the plate, and millions of years ago the plate was under pressure and then it buckled and the Rockies were formed.

What type of plate margin formed the Himalayas?

the Himalayas were formed by a collision plate boundary, meaning that the plates collided and formed the Himalayas. The Himalayas are also referred to as 'fold mountains' because of the way in which they are made.

What are the names of the fold mountains which are found in the Caribbean?

what are the names of the fold mountains in the caribbean

Is urals mountain a fold mountain?

Fold mountains are mountains that are formed when the land forms a wave like shape due to the tectonic plate movements underneath so yes the Ural Mountains are fold mountains

Which mountains occur when a continental plate is compressed?

Fold mountain

Why fold mountains are formed along destructive plate margins?

Both fold mountains and ocean trenches result from plates moving together.If both landforms occur in the same area, they are found in association with subduction on a destructive plate boundary(e.g: The Andes Mountains, Western coast of South America).The Andes formed from the Nazca plate subducting under the South American plate. The continental plate crumples and folds. The result is a fold mountain range. The Andes is formed.If fold mountains occur by themselves, they are in areas where collision is taking place on a collisional plate boundary(e.g: The Himalayas).The Himalayas formed from two continental plates which collided into one another- The Indo-Australian plate collided into the Eurasian plate. They crumple and fold. The result is a fold mountain range. The Himalayas is formed.Either way, the sequence relating to their formation is similar.Hope this helped :)

Which type of mountain form because of an oceanic plate and a continental plate colliding?

Fold mountains.

Describe and explain the global distribution of fold mountain?

Fold mountains are mountains that are situated along the continental plate boundary (not the plates under the sea).

What is the difference between young and old fold mountains?

One of the features of young fold mountains is that these are formed at destructive collision of tectonic plate boundaries. The Earth's crust are pushed to the surface therefore forming a series of fold mountains.

What are plates moving toward each other?

Plates that move toasted each other are detractive plates meeting at a destructive margin. If a continental and an oceanic plate move towards each other, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, this is called a subduction margin, but if the plates are both continental then fold mountains form this is a collision margin

Are the Rocky Mountains folded fault block volcanic or dome?

it depends on which mountain in the rocky mountains