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Potassium permanganate is NOT a reaction. It is a compound, well known for its oxidizing properties. It has the formula KMnO4 . It is purple-black in colour and has a horrible taste. Never taste the powder because it stains the tongue brown.

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Q: What type of reaction is potassium permangante?
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What elements are in potassium permangante?

Potassium Hydroxide is KOH and potassium permanganate is KMnO4.

What type of reaction will Potassium have with acids?

Potassium will undergo a single displacement reaction with acids.

What type of a reaction occurs when potassium metal reacts with fluorine gas?

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Why potassium permangante dissolve faster in boiling water than cold water?

The solubility of solid materials increase when the temperature increase; it is a general rule.

What type of reaction does potassium chloride have?

The compound contains the two elements Potassium and chlorine it is an exothermic chemical reaction because it releases heat energy when formed.

What type of reaction between phenol and potassium permanganate?

single displacement

Is potassium permanganate an element?

No, it is a compound. Its chemical formula is KMnO4, and from this we can see that it contains the elements potassium, manganese and oxygen. Potassium permangante is a strong oxidising agent and dissolves in water to give deep purple solutions which may stain hands and clothing. Its crystals are purplish black.

What type of reaction occurs when potassium metal reacts with fluorine gas?

It is basically a REDOX reaction. Extremely reactive in this case

Why table reagent sulfuric acid is used in oxalic acid before titration with potassium permaganate?

If the temperature is too low (below 55 degrees celsius), the interaction between the oxalate and the potassium permangante will move too slow as to be used as a practical lab experiment. *** Above 60 degrees celsius, oxalate acid begins to decompose, so its important to stay in this range If the temperature is too low (below 55 degrees celsius), the interaction between the oxalate and the potassium permangante will move too slow as to be used as a practical lab experiment. *** Above 60 degrees celsius, oxalate acid begins to decompose, so its important to stay in this range

A Potassium atom has lost an electron in a chemical reaction It is now considered a?

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What happens when hexene reacts with cold neutral and dilute potassium dichromate?

One would expect that the reaction between an alkene and cold, dilute potassium dichromate is an oxidation to a bifunctional alcohol at the carbons in the double bond. The result is also called a vincinal diol or a glycol. The reaction should be similar to the reaction of an alkene with cold, dilute potassium permangante, however, dichromate is a milder oxidizing agent and may not be as effective. The mechanism for this reaction involves the formation of an intermediete 'ester' with the metal at the carbons of the double bond, breaking the double bond. The it can be shown that the resonance structure of the intermediete complex transfers electron density to the ester linkage and protonates from water at both of the ester sites completing the oxidation.