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silliclastic depositions

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Q: What type of sediment is sandstone consolidated from?
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Related questions

What type of organisms are found in sandstone?

They are usally used when you build buildings and compose the sediment

How can sandstone be transformed into sediment without becoming metamorphic and igneous first?

Sandstone can be transformed into sediment if lithificaton dues not occur.

What rocks from sediment deposits?

one of them is sandstone.

What rock is made out of the smallest sediment?


How does change granite into sandstone?

Granite becomes Sandstone when water erodes the Granite on Earths surface, and then deposits the sediment.

What is rocks formed from sediment deposits?

Sedimentary rocks. Example, sandstone.

Describe the sequence of events in the formation of a sandstone?

The formation of sandstone involves two principal stages. First, a layer or layers of sand accumulates as the result of sedimentation, and then the sand becomes sandstone when it is compacted by pressure of overlying deposits.

What is rocks formed from sediment?

Sedimentary rocks. Example, sandstone.

What is the kind of rock is the Grand Canyon?

A mix of sandstone and other sediment rocks

What type of sandstone?

there is the 3 type of sandstone quatrz-arenite arkose graywacke

What mineral is a sandstone?

Sandstone is not a mineral, it is a rock type.

What type of rock are sandstone?

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock.