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Q: What type of weather does cirrostratus clouds produce?
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Which type of cloud is least likely to produce rain?

Cirrostratus clouds art the least likely to produce precipitation that reaches the ground. These clouds are often formed from cirrus clouds as a warm front approaches.

What type of clouds are cirrus cirrostratus and cirrocumulus?

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What type of cloud tells you snow is coming?

Cirrostratus Clouds

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jhkh ol/

What type of precipitation does cirrocumulus clouds produce?

Good Weather

What type of cloud looks feathery and are made up of ice?

Cirrostratus clouds.

Nimbo clouds produce what type of weather?

Nimbo clouds produce rain. Nimbostratus clouds are full of water, so sunlight cannot get through it, that is why the sky is dark when there are storm clouds above.

What is Cirrus cloud?

A cirrostratus cloud is a high, thin, generally uniform stratiform type composed of ice-crystals. It is difficult to detect and is capable of forming halos when the cloud takes the form of thin cirrostratus nebulosus.

Which type of cloud can be the first sign that a change in weather is coming?


What cloud type is associated with warm fronts?

Before the warm front there are cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. Nearer to the front the clouds are stratoform and lower, often precipitating.

Is cirrostratus cloud low-level medium-level or high-level?

Cirrus clouds are thin wispy clouds. They are over 6 kilometers up. It is freezing up there, so they are made of ice crystals. They can mean bad weather is on the way.

What are the names of clouds in each cloud level?

Noctilucent clouds are the highest and least understood. Cirrus and cirrostratus are the high-type clouds. Any high cloud will have the prefix "cirr".