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The balloon itself usually contains devices to measure temperature, pressure and humidity.

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Q: What types of data do weather balloons gather?
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How do scientists gather weather data from high in the atmosphere?

scientists gather weather data from high in the sky using weather satellites

What does NOT collect weather-related data from the upper atmosphere?

Weather balloons and satellites

Where do meteorologists collect weather data?

From balloons, satellites, ships, and weather stations.

What has improved the collecting of weather data over the past 40 years?

Weather balloons and satellites

Because of the increased use of remotesensing what methods of obtaining weather data is now on the decline?

use of weather balloons

How do meteorologist combined data from weather radar and weather satellites to gather information about the atmosphere?


How do you think the weather service makes its predictions?

The weather service uses sophisticated computer modelling as well as radiosonde data. They also gather data from weather stations, weather radar, satellites and statistical data.

What kinds of data are used to make weather maps?

Data used to create weather maps come from different sources. Weather balloons, satellites, ship and airplane reports, and wind profiler data are also used.

The collecting of weather data in the last 40 years has been improved mostly by?

Balloons and sattilites

What 3 technologies are used to gather weather data?

maps,charts,and computers

How does a weather satellite help scientists predict the weather?

They use satellites to gather many different types of data relating to weather systems. This can tell them which direction storms are moving - so they can warn people to be prepared, or how big a hurricane is becoming..

Why is it important for meteorologists to combine weather station data with satellite data when forecasting hurricanes?

Weather stations gather data from the local area - satellite imagery shows the weather over a much wider area.