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nitrogen fixates the amino acids in plants such as the yershipititis yashori. it makes them grow to up to twice their size and grow large gelatinous growths called bellentigus lergenous

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Bacteria called Diazotrophs fix nitrogen for plants. The most widely found include Rhizobia and Frankia .

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Q: What types of organisms do nitrogen fixation?
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What are two types are organisms in the nitrogen fixation?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria and Denitrifying bacteria

How does atmospheric nitrogen fixation affect organisms?

Atmospheric nitrogen fixation is the process where nitrogen is converted into ammonia. Without nitrogen, organisms couldn't grow, and organisms need nitrogen more than anything to grow.

How organisms put nitrogen back into the ecosystem?

nitrogen fixation. look it up

Which organisms captures atmospheric nitrogen for the process of nitrogen fixation?

Legumes. They are the primary plant in an ecosystem, and help convert atmospheric nitrogen in nitrogen in the soil that plants can absorb through their root systems. The process is called nitrogen fixation.The organisms involved in nitrogen fixation are nitrifying bacteria like Azatobacter and Pseudomonas forming root nodules in legumenous plants.

Some types of bacteria from nitrogen compounds in the soil?

Nitrogen fixation

Some types of bacteria form nitrogen compounds in the soil?

the answer is nitrogen fixation

What is industrial fixation?

Industrial fixation is a synthetic method of converting atmospheric nitrogen to nitrogen oxides or ammonium ions that plants and other organisms are able to use

What is nitrogen fixation accomplished by?

ok so............... nitrogen fixation helps the plants and the bacteria to convert atmospheric nitrogen into the amonia ....amonium...nitrate and nitrite {simple substances of nitrogen}............these are the only forms of nitrogen that could be used by the plants

What is the process in which nitrogen is converted into a usable form for life called?

Nitrogen Fixation -Eugene Chung

What organisms other than bacteria are able to perform nitrogen fixation?

Certain plants like clover, soybeans, alfalfa, lupines, peanuts, and rooibos can perform nitrogen fixation.

What is atmospheric nitrogen fixationand how does it affect organisms?

The atmosphere is made up of 70% nitrogen. Nitrogen is also a key ingredient for proteins and nucleic acids such as DNA, and without these, no life could exist. However, the nitrogen in the atmosphere is unusable for most organisms. A few types of microorganisms are capable of fixing nitrogen into a bioavailable form, and that is the process of nitrogen fixation. The fixed nitrogen can then be used by plants to create amino acids, and the amino acids are then consumed by animals.

What is the process by which gaseous nitrogen is converted into ammonia a compound that organisms can use to make amino acids and other nitrogen-containig organic molecules?

Nitrogen fixation