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No vehicles can reduce greenhouses gases, that is, no vehicles can suck carbon dioxide or methane out of the atmosphere.

Some vehicles use less fossil fuel, so the rate of increase might be slowed.

* Hybrid vehicles can use a small gasoline engine which charges batteries in the car. The batteries run the car while they are strong, then the engine kicks in. * Any time a small, well tuned, car is used instead of a large heavy one. * Electric cars, running on batteries that are charged overnight at home.

* Vehicles running on hydrogen fuel cells. * Vehicles running on compressed air. * Any vehicle that does not use fossil fuel, like a bicycle, or a sail boat. Vehicles that require charging, or filling with compressed air, or hydrogen involve a lot of energy (electricity) that at the moment is generated by burning fossil fuels. Until we can move to renewable sources of energy our means of transport will never be completely green.

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Q: What vehicles can help reduce greenhouse gases?
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(Another contributor wrote:)If we choose to do what we can to reduce greenhouse gases, we can help prevent global warming. Global warming is predicted to cause potentially catastrophic climate change, rising sea levels, loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity, and serious economic harm in the medium and long term.

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The atmospheric gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are all greenhouse gases that help to heat the Earth.

What help is greenhouse gases for your atmosphere?

No help. Greenhouse gases break down the ozone layer and allow harmful UV rays to hit the earth. The planet is getting hotter and we are seeing the results of it now.

Does Mars have greenhouse gases?

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They don't help with global warming naturally but the large buildup of greenhouse gases does assist with global warming.

Why do you think greenhouse gases get that nickname?

Because they have the same effect as a greenhouse. They trap heat inside them, just like a greenhouse does to help the plants grow.

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