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I think it was cuz there is more food in the cold climate like a mameth.

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Q: What was the event that allowed humans to move to cold climates?
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How have humans adapted to live in continental climates?

They found ways to survive and keep them selves cold or warm.

What is one way that early humans adapted to cold environments?

Scientists believe that they moved in groups from place to place, creating shelters with tools and using fire to keep warm. Building shelters allowed them to live in colder climates and in places where there were no cave to provide natural shelter. Being able to control fire helped them survive the cold, harsh climates of where they traveled to.

Why are cold places cold?

not neccesarily because of the cold climates but since they have a high altitude they get the snow that doesnt melt before reaching the point where humans live, where it is warmer. mountains are cold themselves

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They can live in cold climates if they bury themselves in the ground.

How did the early humans adapt to cold climate?

They adapted by sought protection from the weather in caves. They also learned to survive in colder climates.

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They live in cold climates. They prefer living in cold climates, but they can be found in hot climates. Bobcats are just slightly more scarce there.

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