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Probably the great storm of 1287. It literally sunk the towns of Dunwich, Winchelsea, Rungholt, and several Dutch towns into the sea!!!!!!! Formerly port towns found themselves 1-2 MILES inland, and other towns found themselves with brand-new ports. Furthermore, the storm diverted several major rivers to new courses overnight.

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12y ago

Define destructive -- destroying homes or lives or both. Very few statisticians include a ranking for those numbers combined. If you do a search, there was a hurricane that killed over 300,000 people, but it wasn't in the U.S. so it doesn't show up that often in searches.

Katrina was the most destructive if you measure by property losses at $105 billion. In the U.S. it was the third most powerful, and was number three on the kill scale as well. So, for the U.S. at least, if you combine property loss, loss of life, and the power of the storm, I'd say Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in the U.S.

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13y ago

It was in India 1888 with hail stones the size of softballs where people were either killed by the impact or knocked out where they were then buried by the hail stones and froze to death.

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14y ago

in the world at war game or in the movie white squall

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Q: What was the worlds most destructive hurricane?
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No. Hurricane Katrina is still by far the most destructive hurricane in U.S. history and one of the deadliest. Hurricane Sandy is the second most destructive on record.

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