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If carbon dioxide pollution is reduced then the accelerating greenhouse effect might slow and global warming would not be so much a threat.

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If carbon dioxide pollution is reduced, it will help slow down global climate change by decreasing the greenhouse effect. This reduction can lead to improved air quality, reduced health risks associated with pollution, and protection of ecosystems and biodiversity.

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Q: What will happen if carbon dioxide pollution is reduced?
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What will happen to the concentration of RuBP and GP if the supply of carbon dioxide is reduced?

If the supply of carbon dioxide is reduced, the concentration of RuBP (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate) will increase as it accumulates without being converted into GP (glycerate-3-phosphate). On the other hand, the concentration of GP will decrease since there will be fewer reactants available for its formation in the Calvin cycle.

What would happen if people started burning less fossil fuel?

Burning less fossil fuel would result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which would help slow down climate change. It would also lead to decreased air pollution, improved air quality, and reduced health problems related to pollution. Additionally, it would encourage the development and adoption of renewable energy sources.

How is the movement of oxygen in the body similar to and different to the movement of carbon dioxide?

Both oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood. Oxygen is carried by hemoglobin in red blood cells, while carbon dioxide is mainly transported as bicarbonate in plasma. However, the mechanisms of their diffusion and release in tissues and exchange in the lungs differ, with oxygen diffusing from alveoli into the blood and carbon dioxide diffusing from tissues into the blood.

What would happen to a leaf without carbon dioxide?

A leaf without carbon dioxide would not be able to undergo photosynthesis, which is the process that allows plants to produce glucose and oxygen. This would ultimately lead to the leaf being unable to create energy to support its functions, resulting in stunted growth and eventually death.

What would happen to the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere if there were less plants and trees?

If there were less plants and trees, the rate of photosynthesis that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere would decrease, causing carbon dioxide levels to rise. This could contribute to an increase in global warming and climate change as carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere.

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What is likely to happen if the growth in the rate of emission of carbon dioxide is not reduced?

n nm n n

What will happen to the concentration of RuBP and GP if the supply of carbon dioxide is reduced?

If the supply of carbon dioxide is reduced, the concentration of RuBP (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate) will increase as it accumulates without being converted into GP (glycerate-3-phosphate). On the other hand, the concentration of GP will decrease since there will be fewer reactants available for its formation in the Calvin cycle.

What happen when one molecule of carbon combines with two molecules of oxygen?

carbon dioxide is produced.

Why does carbon dioxide happen?

When you smoke, ride a vehicle, or use electricity, you let out carbon dioxide.

What would happen if you kept on breathing in carbon dioxide?

There is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. You have been breathing it in all your life.

What could happen to carbon dioxide if water temperatures rise?

Carbon dioxide is released from water at high temperature.

What would happen if people started burning less fossil fuel?

Burning less fossil fuel would result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which would help slow down climate change. It would also lead to decreased air pollution, improved air quality, and reduced health problems related to pollution. Additionally, it would encourage the development and adoption of renewable energy sources.

What happen if you breath only with carbon dioxide?

you die

What would happen if carbon dioxide is not removed from your body?

you will die

What happen to atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide when exhaled?

it disappears

What happen when extra carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere?

nothing will happen at all

What would happen if more carbon dioxide is bubbled into the reaction mixture when doing the test to identify carbon dioxide?

You will here a noise like'pop'