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The world's ecosystem will theoretically shut sown, causing the extinction of every species on the planet.

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Q: What will happen if you continue to pollute the ocean?
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Presumably it will continue to pollute the surrounding areas.

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there will be no more marine life left.

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The air may become more dangers for our health

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they pollute it they pollute it

What can happen to sludge even when its dumped several kilometers offshore?

it will still affect the ocean and begin to pollute in some areas.

What will happen if you continue to pollute the water?

many animals will die and we may die because we drink water polluting is very bad u should never ever pollute of the animal race will wipe out and do u want to die

How can make a sentence with the pollute?

Pollute is the verb and root word for pollution. For example, ships pollute the ocean by dumping their trash overboard.

What are some con's from using oil?

It can pollute the environemt and pollute the ocean and seas and other stuff like that.

What can be done to protect the ocean environment?

What can be done to protect the ocean is less oil spills, and don't dump chemicals into the ocean and don't litter the ocean with garbage and don't pollute the air because I think it would also pollute the water too.

What can kill fishes and pollute the ocean?

the waste, garbage and oil

Why do people continue to pollute the air?

Because we can't stop breathing.

What will happen if you pollute the sea?

Sea creatures will die.