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Carbon dioxide and methane are two greenhouse gases. They trap infrared heat rising from the earth's surface and help to keep the earth warm enough for life. If they were not around, the earth would be too cold for life.

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Q: What would happen if carbon dioxide and methane were not around the atmosphere?
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What are two ways that deforestation adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

Rotting trees add carbon dioxide (and sometimes methane) to the atmosphere.Burning trees releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Where is carbon in the atmosphere mostly found?

Carbon Dioxide at .033% The only other two sources in the atmosphere are methane and carbon dioxide both of which are much less abundant.

What are the two most important trace gases in the atmosphere?

the two of them are water vapor and carbon dioxide... my friends i hope that helped =)

What are the different gasses that are found in the atmosphere?

Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane.

What are the chief greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)Methane (CH4)

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No. The atmosphere of Venus is mostly carbon dioxide with some nitrogen and trace amounts of other gasses.

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Carbon dioxide, methane are the two more common compounds.

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The original atmosphere contained only nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. Today's atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% shared between argon, carbon dioxide, helium, methane, ammonia, and neon.

What are the two important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)Methane (CH4)

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Carbon dioxide, water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and methane.