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Global Warming might decrease but people would die all over the planet unable to gain the benefits provided by the use of fossil fuels (Mainly cheap power and low cost transportation of goods) and the results such a change would have on the world's economy.

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Q: What would happen if humans stopped burning fossil fuels?
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What would the most likely result humans stopped burning fossil fuels?

There would be less Carbon Dioxide In the atmosphere. (APEX)

Do humans release carbon-dioxide and how?

By breathing, burning fossil fuels, ...

What other humans activity is loading the carbon cycle?

the burning of fossil fuels

What are 2 sources of carbon dioxide in air?

burning of fossil fuels and animals and humans breathing

What 2 sources of carbon dioxide in air?

burning of fossil fuels and animals and humans breathing

If we wern't here would global warming happen?

No. Global warming is caused by man burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. No other animal does that. If there were no humans on earth, there would be no global warming.

What will happen if humans use fossil fuels more rapidly than they are formed?

We'll run out of fossil fuels eventually.

How can humans worsen the effects of burning fossil fuels?

Humans can worsen the effects of burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) by cutting down the great forests of the world. This, sadly, has already been done, so the forests no longer remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What of these does not produce carbon dioxide animals breathing humans breathing plants using light or burning fossil fuels?


Would be the most likely result if humans stopped burning fossil fuels?

global warming would be decreased (apex)

What human activities contribute most greenhouse gases?

Humans have had the greatest impact on climate change by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. This activity adds to the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, creating an enhanced greenhouse effect.

What cycle do humans affect by burning fossil fuels?

We affect the earth's regular carbon cycle by burning fossil fuels. Coal and oil combustion adds billions of tons of carbon to the atmosphere, carbon that has been stored underground for millions of years.