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Swedish scientist Svante Arhenius first wrote about the problem of CO2 buildup in the late 1800s. At that time our consumption of fossil fuel was still small enough that excess CO2 would not have posed a problem for centuries.

By the 1950s our rate of consumption had grown so much scientists began carefully monitoring the rise of CO2. Earlier measurements had been made, but these were not consistent, and were often taken in urban areas where the concentration of CO2 gasses were higher than the global average.

Just like turning up a thermostat does not immediately warm your house, so to increasing CO2 does not immediately heat the earth. Climate scientists did not become generally concerned about the global warming until the earth began actually warming unusually rapidly, beginning in the 1980s.

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Q: What year did global warming start worrying us?
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What year is global warming?

Global warming has been happening probably since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when we began burning fossil fuels. So any year is global warming. This year is global warming.

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Yes they do. Every year numbers rise for Global Warming. Sometimes it goes of the charts.

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Global warming is not seasonal, or annual. It is gradually increasing all the time.

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Global warming is a continual process. Every year the temperature increases one or a few degrees.

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Dry skin isn't caused by global warming Jackass.

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Infra-red picks up thermal imagery. It related to global warming as it contributes to the greenhouse effect. However, it also helps us to see where the global warming is affecting the climate and how much it is raising each year.

How many seals died because of global warming last year?

all of them