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Q: What year did hurricane katerina hit the US?
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What is the name of the last category 5 hurricane to strike the US and what year was that?

The last hurricane to hit the U.S. at category 5 intensity was Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

What year did hurricane Agnes hit?

She struck the US in 1972 and caused massive flooding in the northeast.

What is the name of a hurricane which hit US?

You need to be more specific! What state? What year? Hurricane Katrina is a well known disaster which happened in New Orleans in 2005

Did hurricane bill and grace hit the us in 2009?

Hurricane Bill hit the US near the New England states and continued to Canada. Grace was a tropical storm not a hurricane in 2009

What was the last hurricane to hit in 2010?

The last hurricane to hit the US at least, was Paula which affected the Florida Keys.

Is hurricane Irene coming to US?

Hurricane Irene has hit the US in 2011. We will be receiving another hurricane in 2014 which will be near the coast of CA.

Will there be a deadly hurricane in the us this year?

yes, hurricane Ike

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What was the worst hurricane to hit the US 2003?

The worst hurricane to hit the U.S. in 2003 was Isabel which made landfall in North Carolina.

What is the 4th most costly Hurricane in the US and the year it occurred?

Hurricane Wilma

What time of the year would a hurricane hit the US and why?

Peak activity is in August and September, but they can occur at just about any time from June to November.

What day did hurricane Irene hit the US?

Hurricane Irene first hit the U.S. on August 27 and made a second landfall on August 28.