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When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another, this transition area is known as a chokepoint. Chokepoints are crucial for maritime traffic as they can involve narrow passages that require careful navigation and may be subject to specific regulations or security measures. Examples of important chokepoints include the Strait of Gibraltar, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Panama Canal.

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Q: When a Shipping lane passes from a large body of water to another?
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When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another it often passes trough?

When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another, it often passes through a strait, which is a narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water. Straits are commonly used as natural passages for ships to navigate between different bodies of water.

What is a large body of water that flows through land called?

A large body of water that flows through land is called a river. Rivers play a vital role in shaping landscapes and serving as a source of water for various organisms.

What is a large body of salt water that is often connected to a larger body of water?

An ocean is a large body of salt water that is often connected to a larger body of water, such as another ocean or a sea. Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface and are essential for regulating the planet's climate.

Which way does water move as it passes through the zone of aeration?

Water moves downward due to gravity as it passes through the zone of aeration. The water may also move laterally as it seeks regions of lower pressure or is influenced by the slope of the soil.

How do you separate soil particles from muddy water?

One way to separate soil particles from muddy water is to let the mixture sit undisturbed until the soil particles settle at the bottom, then carefully pour off the clear water. Another method is to use a filter, such as a cloth or coffee filter, to strain out the soil particles as the water passes through.

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When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another it often passes through a .?


When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another it often passes trough?

When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another, it often passes through a strait, which is a narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water. Straits are commonly used as natural passages for ships to navigate between different bodies of water.

When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another it often passes through a what?

When a shipping lane passes from one large body of water to another, it often passes through a strait or a channel. These narrow passages connect two bodies of water and provide a navigable route for ships to travel between them. Ships must follow designated routes through these narrow passages to ensure safe and efficient passage.

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Water passes from one living organism to another when?

when an animal eats a plant.

What large body of water does Houston use for shipping?

Ships enter the open seas via the Gulf of Mexico.

What is it called when a light bends as it passes through water what is it called?

This phenomenon is called refraction, where light changes speed and direction as it passes from one medium to another, such as from air to water.

What type of food passes into the large intestine?

By the end of the small intestine, the nutrients have been digested from the food. What remains is waste. The large intestine absorbs excess water and a few vitamins from this waste, and then passes it out of the body via the rectum.

What happens when water passes?

When fast water passes it leave

What structrue reabsorbs excess water and forms feces?

The large intestine is responsible for reabsorbing excess water from digested food material. As the material passes through the large intestine, the water is reabsorbed, forming more solid waste known as feces.