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Neither can make smoke. Smoke is made from the burning of an object without the right amount of oxygen to burn properly. Cold air or hor air if introduced to the opposite temperature can make water vapor.

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Yes, when the air masses meet, the warm air will rise and cool as it does. This cooling causes the moisture in the air to condense and visible vapor is formed. These are clouds or fog, not smoke.

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Q: When a cold air mass meets a warm one can it create a vapor or smoke?
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Why does smoke come out of mouth when it is cold?

"Smoke" does not come out of your mouth when it's cold. That's actually water vapor. This is because normal air that we breath everyday is partially composed of water vapor, however we don't see this vapor until the temperature drops (however the temperature at which we would see the vapor depends on the humidity of the air). So when that vapor goes from your warm lungs to the cold outside, it condenses and forms what looks like smoke.

Why there is smoke on top of ice tray?

A very cold ice cube may appear to smoke, but actually what you are seeing is water vapor. The air around the ice cube is cooled by the cold ice cube, and when it cools, water vapor in the air condenses into fog.

What is causing 1999 GMC sierra to put out white smoke when first started and lots of white smoke when driven but smokes goes away after driven for awhile?

If you're sure it's "smoke", then it's probably burning oil. But most likely it's water vapor. When an engine is first started and the air is cold, the water vapor in the exhaust will create visible steam. Automotible exhaust primarily consists of carbon dioxide and water vapor. If the engine and exhaust system are cold, the exhaust will be cooler when it comes out and it can create a cloud of water vapor. However, if it's not water vapor, as I mentioned above, it could be oil smoke. If that's the case you need an engine rebuild since you probably have bad rings. For the record, I haven't seen many newer GMC's that burn oil.

Why does ice smoke?

ice doesn't smoke. what you are refering to is what happens when something really cold meets with something warmer then it's self.

Why when were outside and speak fog comes out?

Because of condensation. When a glass of ice has vapor on the outside of it, it's because cold met heat. The same thing happens when heat meets cold, your breath turns to vapor.

Why do airplanes leave a line of smoke in the sky?

First of all, its not smoke. Its Vapor! Since its so cold when you fly at 35,000FT, and the engines are so hot, you get vapor.

What is a thin trail of smoke called?

The stream behind a jet is called a contrail. It is actually water vapor that condenses in the cold.

Why does a womens vagina let out smoke after sex?

It shouldn't. If its really cold in the room or where ever, you might be seeing a vapor like when you see your breath outside on a cold day.

Do you use hot or cold water when you put it in the vaporizer?

Well, the word vaporizer has the word vapor in it and vapor is like water vapor and in order to create water vapor you have to use heat to make it evaporate into water vapor so I suggest you use hot water.

Why do airplanes give out white smoke while in flight?

When you see a white trail behind an airplane, that is what is known as a contrail, short for condensation trail, and it is composed of water vapor, not smoke. This condensation happens because the hot exhaust of the plane's engine meets the colder surrounding air and the mixture of cold and hot air is a sort of miniature weather front.

What happens if you pump a balloon in the cold and then pop it?

The balloon will have cold air in it since it is in cold. If you were most likely in a hot place and when you pop it, it will create a gas. Gas as in smoke.