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Q: When carbon burns in limited oxygen is carbon monoxide produced?
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Do all fires produce carbon monoxide?

It depends on how much oxygen there is in the area of where is the fire, If the fire has enough or too much oxygen, there is no carbon monoxide, if there is any lack of oxygen, carbon monoxide is produced.

Why generator produce carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is produced when a fuel is burning with an insufficient oxygen supply.

When the amount of oxygen is limited carbon and oxygen react to form carbon monoxide. How many grams of CO can be formed from 35 grams of oxygen?

When the amount of oxygen is limited, carbon and oxygen react to form carbon monoxide. How many grams of CO can be formed from 35 grams of oxygen?

How is carbon monoxide produced?

carbon monoxide is produced by the burning of many different types of fuels.

What harmful effects does carbon monoxide have on the blood?

Carbon monoxide form carboxyhemoglobin and the transport of oxygen by blood is very limited.

Why carbon monoxide is used in DLCO studies instead of oxygen is because carbon monoxide is?

neither diffusion nnor perfusion limited

How combustion of carbon differs in a limited supply of oxygen compared to when oxygen is in excess?

Oxygen in excess: carbon dioxide is obtained.Not sufficient oxygen: carbon monoxide is obtained.

What is produced when fire burns?

carbon dioxide(co2) BUT... if there must me not enough oxygen then the produced gas is carbon monoxide(co)

What is the equation for burning carbon in limited supply of oxygen to form carbon monoxide?

Incomplete reaction of carbon and oxygen: 2C + O2 --> 2CO

When the amount of oxygen is limited carbon and oxygen react to form carbon monoxide. How many grams of CO can be formed from 35.0 grams of oxygen 2C plus O2 2CO?

61,27 carbon monoxide are formed.

What products are produced when methane reacts with oxygen?

In the case that there is abundant amounts of oxygen, the products are carbon dioxide and water. But if there is only a limited amount of oxygen, the products are carbon monoxide and water.Example:(abundant amount of oxygen) CH4 + O4 = CO2 & H2O(limited amount of oxygen) CH4 + O2 = CO & H2OThe other is carbon dioxide: CH4 + O2 ------- 2H2O + CO2

How is carbon monoxide produced and how does it act as a poison?

Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. Haemoglobin in your blood is not a stable compound, such that it can transport oxygen around your body. What carbon monoxide does is to react with the haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin, which is a stable compound, and you wouldn't get enough oxygen, which then you die of asphyxiation (if I didn't forget anything).