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rift valley

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Continents are formed when continental plates pull apart.

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1mo ago

When continental plates pull apart, they form rift valleys. This process is known as rifting and it can ultimately lead to the formation of new ocean basins if the plates continue to separate.

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Q: When continental plates pull apart they form this?
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When continental plates pull apart they form?

rift valley Answer 2 Continents are formed when continental plates pull apart.

When continental plates pull apart at a divergent boundary on land this land form is created?

It forms a rift valley.

Do plates pull apart in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?

Tectonic plates do pull apart in the middle of the ocean. These divergent plates form what is known as the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

This type of boundary forms when two plates pull apart.?

Divergent plate boundaries form once two plates begin to pull apart from each other.

True or false When two continental plates converge Rift Valley forms?

False. A rift valley forms when continental plates diverge or pull apart. When two continental plates collide the result is a mountain range.

What forms at the place where two continental plates pull apart?

A rift valley forms at the place where two continental plates pull apart. This process is known as continental rifting, and it can eventually lead to the formation of a new ocean basin if the rifting process continues and is accompanied by seafloor spreading.

Where does a riftvalley form at?

It forms at a plate boundary. It deepens as the plates pull apart.

What is the force that stretches or pull apart the crust called?

When there is a divergent boundary, regardless if the plates are ocean-ocean or continental-continental, tensional stress pulls on the crust. Rocks have weaker tensional strength than compressive strength, so they are easier to pull apart.

What feature forms at the place where two continental plates pull apart?

This will form a series of tensile features. Initially, normal faulting will occur, then horst and graben structures will form and ultimately a rift valley will develop.

What landform is created when two continental plates pull apart?

A rift valley is created when two continental plates pull apart. This process forms a large trench-like depression on land, often accompanied by volcanic activity and earthquakes. An example of this is the East African Rift Valley.

When the continental plates pull apart at the divergent boundary on land what forms?

When continental plates pull apart at a divergent boundary on land, it can lead to the formation of rift valleys. Magma rises to the surface creating new crust, which can eventually separate the landmass into two distinct plates. Over time, this process can create new ocean basins if the divergence continues.

What kind of plates pull apart?

divergent plates