

When is smog the worst?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Well, it's especially bad during the summertime, I guess. High, stable barometric pressure would also add to it, since stable pressure means calm weather, and calm weather meanspollution gets trapped in one area for a long time with no wind to carry it elsewhere. High heat contributes to this as well. However, even with all of these conditions, the breathing conditions would be their worst in the early mornings. Over night, as the air cools off, heavy elements comprising the smog fall to the ground and can collect in fog or dew. As the day goes on and temperatures rise, so does the smog. So my (educated) guess is early morning. Especially since right now, it's nearly 8am and the air outside smells like crap and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's been a week-long heat wave where I live, and the smog has built up so much that you can't see the two major mountains in the area (normally quite visible).

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Hot and humid conditions can make smog worse. There is not as much air circulation during humid conditions allowing the smog to just sit over an area.

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yes,there are two different types of smog i.e summer smog and winter smog

What does SMOG mean?

Smog abatement means reducing the amount or intensity of smog.

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Smog is heterogeneous because smog is a mixture of liquid, gas and solids.

What does smog abatement mean?

Smog abatement means reducing the amount or intensity of smog.

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Photochemical smog is a type of smog made when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides mix with sunlight.

How do you use smog in a sentence?

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What area is affected by smog?

cities are affected by smog

Smog in a sentence?

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Is smog an element or a compound?

Neither. Smog is a mixture.

What part of speech is the word smog?

Smog is a noun.