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There are many species of fish which are already considered a non-renewable resource.

In fact there are many species of fish which have ceased to become a viable resource because of such severe overfishing that they cannot be commercially fished.

See the website to get an idea of which fish species are being sustainably fished and which are not.

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Q: When might fish be considered a nonrenewable resource?
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Is a fish renewable or nonrenewable?

Fish is a renewable resource.

What is a nonrenewable resource and why is it s nonrenewable resource?

Oil is a NONRENEWABLE resource, because you can't make more oil, like from giving birth. Example: Fish are RENEWABLE resources, because the mommy fish give birth to little eggs, that hatch and grow to become a fish, and so on.

Are fish considered renewable or nonrenewable?

As long as they can reproduce they are renewable. if they cant reproduce and they dissappear, they wont come back and are nonrenewable.

Why are fish considered a natural resource?

A Natural Resource is any material made by the earth and used by humans. Fish is used by humans to eat and sometimes even create other things, as well as it coming from the earth. It is a natural resource.

WHEN can fish be considered a renewable resource?

As long as fish have an environment that allows reproduction, it is a renewable resource (for food). Just don't eat every fish in the tank at once!

How do we use fish as a resource?

We eat it.

Are fish and lakes a resource?

i guess..

Is fish renewable or nonrenewable?

Fish stocks can be either depending on how the are gathered. Since they automatically replenish themselves they can only be nonrenewable if they are gathered faster than they reproduce. Large scale commercial fishing can cause this, but most companies are searching for ways to relieve it.

Are guppies considered fish?

Yes they are considered fish. Small fish but fish.

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Dirt is a renewable resource.Renewable resources are resources that can replace themselves if they are not overused. A forest is an example of a renewable resource. The trees in a forest will naturally replant themselves unless too many are cut down. Seeds from these trees fall to the ground, and new trees will grow. Other examples of renewable resources include fish, water, oxygen, and soil.