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yes they do. this is because both of them are elements in the Periodic Table. they either lose, gain or share an electron while bonding.

Yes. Because potassium is a metal and fluorine is a non-metal, of course because it is a gas. Potassium is not a noble gas and so is fluorine. Wanna see the things you should check off for ionic bonds?

One element is a non-metal and another is a metal.

None of the elements are noble gases.

They form ions.

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An electron is transferred from the potassium atom to the fluorine atom

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Potassium Fluoride (KF)

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Q: When potassium fluoride forms from a potassium atom and a fluorine atom?
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What would happen if a fluorine atom and a potassium atom came into contact?

They would form the ionic compound potassium fluoride, KF.

When fluorine atom gains an electron it forms?

When a fluorine atom gains an electron, it forms a negative ion.

Chemical formula of a fluoride atom?

'Fluoride atom'. ???? The fluorine ATOM is 'F' The fluorine molecule is 'F2'. The Fluoride ION is 'F^-' NB When an atom becomes a charged species, it is no longer an atom , but an ION. The suffix '--ide' indicates it is an ion, not an atom. So 'Fluoride atom' is a nonsense. It is either 'Fluoride ion' or Fluorine atom'.

Is potassium atom and a fluorine atom is covalent or ionic bond?

Potassium and fluorine will form an ionic bond

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Fluoride is an ion consisting of a single atom of fluorine atom with a -1 charge. The fluoride in toothpaste and other dental products is sodium fluoride , consisting of sodium, and fluorine.

How could a fluorine atom change into a fluorine ion?

A fluorine atom changes into a fluoride ion by gaining one electron and developing a 1- charge.

The ion formed by a fluorine atom is called a?

fluoride ion

What is the difference between a Fluoride ion and a Fluorine atom?

The fluoride atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell (9 in total) but the ion of fluorine has any number of electrons in the outer shell. eg. F+ = the normal fluorine atom but with one less electron.

How many atoms in sodium fluoride?

One atom of sodium and one atom of fluorine.

What happens to an atom of fluorine when it forms an ionic bond in which it has the same electron configuration as neon?

A fluorine atom gains one atom in order to achieve the same electron configuration as neon. In doing so, the fluorine atom forms a fluoride ion with a 1- charge with the formula F-. As a negatively charged ion, it can form ionic bonds with various positively charged ions.

Compound with one calcium atom and two fluorine?

Calcium fluoride.

When a fluorine atom has seven electrons in its outer shell is it an ion with a plus or minus charge?

A fluorine atom that has seven electrons in its outer shell would be neutral. A negatively charged fluoride ion, Fl-, forms when a fluorine atom gains one electron so that it has an octet, or a noble gas configuration of electrons.