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2 Na+ 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2

2H2 +O2 = 2H2O

The second reaction is in there for a reason: Sodium reacts extremely violently with water. In fact, it creates a two-stage explosion. In the first stage, the sodium creates sodium hydroxide plus hydrogen and a LOT of heat. In the second, the hydrogen ignites to form water. The more sodium you use, the more reaction product you get and the bigger the explosion is.

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Q: When sodium reacts with water what does it make?
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Sodium reacts with water to produce Sodium hydroxide and Hydrogen gas.2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2

Does water react with sodium?

Yes, sodium reacts violently with water.

What is produced when sodium reacts with water?

Sodium hydroxide and Hydrogen

When sodium reacts with water it forms?

it forms sodium hydroxide

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Sodium is so reactive it is usually found in compounds. It reacts most violently with water, creating sodium hydroxide.

How is the way sodium reacts with water different from the way sodium chloride reacts with water?

The reaction with sodium is that there starts to be fire on the water, so it acts violently. Sodium chloride dissolves in water, because it is salt (table salt).

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Sodium doesn't dissolve in water, it reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen: sodium + water ----> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

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Nope. Sodium reacts violently with water. The pure stuff is normally stored under oil.

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