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Q: When the metamorphic rock schist is heated and squeezed it forms what?
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Where is amphibolite found?

Amphibolite is a metamorphic rock. It forms when basaltic rock is heated to high temperatures under pressure. Without the added pressure the basaltic rock that would be yielded is green schist.

How can a metamorphic rock turn into sedimentary rock and then back to metamorphic?

metamorphic rock melts turns into lava,lava cools turns into igneous rock,igneous rock is weathered and eroded into sediment,sediment turns into sedimentary rocksedimentary rock gets heated and squeezed forms metamorphic rockcycle continues.......

What would distinguish marble from Schist?

Marble is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock made of carbonate minerals, particularly calcite. It is formed by the metamorphism or limestone. Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock made of silicate minerals such as quartz and feldspars, and micas. It forms from the metamorphism of granite or schist.

What type of rock forms when heat and pressure change one type of rock into another?

Changes in the structure, texture, or mineralogy of existing rocks will create a metamorphic rock. Metamorphism can result from the effects of heat and/or pressure, or from the addition of ions from heated fluids. Examples of metamorphic rock are slate, schist, and gneiss.

What is the metamorphic form of pumice?

Pumice is easily broken down because of it contains numerous air pockets. The metamorphic forms of pumice are gneiss, schist and slate.

What rock forms at the highest grade of regional metamorphism?

Schist is the highest grade metamorphic rock of those listed in the question.

Could a metamorphic rock turn into a sedimentry rock and then back to metamorphic?

yes eventually but there are steps:metamorphic rock melts turns into lava,lava cools turns into igneous rock,igneous rock is weathered and eroded into sediment,sediment turns into sedimentary rocksedimentary rock gets heated and squeezed forms metamorphic rockcycle continues.......

What rock is formed when mica is metamorphosed?

Mica is formed by chemicals combining their industrial forces with fresh water and turning into thin breakable sheet rock.

What rock forms from heated and squeezed rock is it gneiss?

yes if you get a fourth grade paper and its called marvelous makeovers the answere is yes

What is an example of a foliated metamorphic rock?

Foliated rocks have layers in them. We often refer to the layers as Banding.

What type of rock forms at the boundary of magma and rock?

Contact metamorphic rock forms at such boundaries, as the minerals in the rock change due to the increase in temperature or the influx of heated fluids.

Forms in metamorphic rock?

A metamorphic rock forms by heat and pressure