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the most direct solar rays strike the Southern Hemisphere .

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Q: When the north pole tilts away from the sun where do the most direct rays strike?
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Using the tilt of the earth why is winter cold?

The Earth tilts at 23.5 degrees and when it is on one side of the Sun the tilt is toward the Sun. If it tilts toward the Sun then it has direct sunlight making it hot. On the other side of the Sun it tilts away causing indirect sunlight making it colder.

What season is it in Winnipeg when the South Pole tilts away from the sun?

It's summer in Winnipeg when the South Pole tilts away from the Sun.

Why is it summer in the northern hemisphere when it's winter in the southern hemisphere?

The Northern Hemispherenget more direct light.When the Southern Hemisphere is winter,and its tilts away from the Sun

Northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun during the?

The Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the sun in December and tilts close to the sun in June.!

Why does winter in Africa summer in America?

America is Northern hemisphere, Africa is Southern. The Earth is tilted at its axis. When the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun they get summer. The Southern, which is simultaneously tilted away, gets winter. Then they change. South tilts towards, and get summer, North tilts away and get winter.

What are the effects of slight tilt of earth's axis in the north pole?

If the north axis tilts towards the sun, the northern hemisphere is in summer and the southern hemisphere is in winter. The reverse is true when the north axis points away from the sun.

How does the axis cause the change seasons?

Because the Earth tilts slightly away from the sun and then back, an North or S hemisphere gets warmer or cooler resulting in the different seasons.

Why do the North and South Pole have long periods of complete sunlight and complete darkness?

As the Earth wobbles its way through the universe, it tilts both poles toward and away from the sun.

How does the tilt affect the climate at different times of the year?

When a hemisphere tilts towards the sun, the sun's rays strike the earth more directly, and it becomes summer. While it becomes winter in the other hemisphere that has tilted away from the sun.

Does the earths revolution cause the seasons?

The revolution of the Earth does not cause changes in the seasons. The TILT of the Earth does. When an area tilts away from the sun, light strikes the earth at a shallow angle, delivering less heat and light. As it tilts towards the sun, light is striking at a more direct angle, delivering more heat and light.

What part of earth tilts toward the sun?

The Earth tilts toward the sun at an angle of 23.44 degrees, because the Earth rotates, the entire Earth tilts toward the sun during summer and away from the sun during winter.


if you dont know tell someone who knows ............ ************************************************ When northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun, it is summer in the northern hemisphere, and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The seasons reverse when the northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun. The angle that the sun's rays strike the earth's surface, decides the seasons.