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Q: When two bodies of tidel water meet what is it called?
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What is the point where two rivers meet?

The place where two rivers meet is called a confluence.

where two rivers merge?

When two rivers meet it is called confluence. It applies to place where two or more bodies of water merge. There are 10 major confluence around the world.

What are the main bodies of water in Djibouti?

Djibouti is in Africa, where the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea meet.


bodies of water and their surrounding coastal habitats typically found where rivers meet the sea

What body of water surrounds Scotland?

Atlantic to the west & North Sea to the east. They meet in the Pentland Firth to the north.

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An estuary

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the sphere of living organisms ,where lithospheren hydrosphere and atmosphere meet and interect is called the biosphere . all the water bodies on the earth surface namely oceans, seas, lakes, rivers together with snow and ice are collectively called the hydrosphere

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What is base flow?

Where the ground water leakage direction meet into the surface water is called Base flow.

What is the line where the water and the land meet called?

This is most commonly known as the coastline.

What 2 oceans meet near Cape Horn at the Strait of Magellan?

There are many bodies of water across the world. The South Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean meet near Cape Horn at the Strait of Magellan.