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Q: When two continental plates diverge does a transform boundary form?
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When two continental plates diverge a transforms boundary forms?


When 2 continental plates diverge a forms.?

When 2 continental plates diverge, a __ forms.

Can a continental and oceanic plate have a transform boundary?

Yes. An example is the San Andreas Fault, a transform boundary between the Pacific (oceanic) and the North American (continental) plates.

What type of tectonic boundary forms a volcano?

Normally a Divergent boundary because as the plates diverge, lava spews out, but they can also form at a Convergent boundary, or, although less likely, a transform boundary.

What type of plate boundary forms where two plates slide past one another?

That is called a boundary or a transform-fault boundary. :D

Tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally?

Transform boundary

What are three types of convergent boundaries?

Converging (destructive) plate boundary: where two plates collide. Diverging (constructive) plate boundary: where two plates move away from each other. Transform plate boundary: where two plates move, or grind, past each other. Like the boundary in California.

What are types of convergents boundaries?

Converging (destructive) plate boundary: where two plates collide. Diverging (constructive) plate boundary: where two plates move away from each other. Transform plate boundary: where two plates move, or grind, past each other. Like the boundary in California.

How is a transform boundary from a convergent boundary?

At a convergent boundary two plates move toward each other. At a transform boundary plates slide past each other.

When 2 continental plates diverge what forms?

divergent boundaries

The difference between a transform and convergent boundary?

Convergent Boundary is a result of two tectonic plates colliding. Divergent boundary is the process where to tectonic plates move away from each other. if two tectonic plates move away from each other (diverge), each will collide with another plate (converge) on the opposite side of the divergent boundary, forming a convergent boundary with another tectonic plate.

What is the motion of plates at a transform boundary?
