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Q: When was the length of an earth year discovered?
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What ias the length of year on Uranus?

Uranus's length of year is 83 earth years, 273 earth days.

Is the length of a year on earth the same as the length of a year on Saturn?

No, Because a year on Saturn is 10,832 days while earth's is 365.25 days.

The Length of an Earth year is based on Earth's?


What is the length of one year on planet mars?

The length of year on Mars is 686.98 Earth days or 1.88 Earth years.

What year earth discovered?

Before you were born ......

What is the length of year for Earth?


In what year was earth discovered?

Haven't found it yet

When by whom was the earth discovered?

Adam - year 0

What length of year does earth have?

365 days.

Length of year in earth years?


How does the length of a year on Mars compare with the length of year on Earth?

Mars, with a orbital period of around 687 days, almost two Earth years (1.88 earth years).

How does the length of a year on mars compare with the length of a year on Earth?

Mars, with a orbital period of around 687 days, almost two Earth years (1.88 earth years).