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toward the top of the near side.

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Q: When wind blows clouds over mountains how does rain normally fall?
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What will fall from clouds over the sky in the mountains?


How do mountains affect the temperature?

There is less rainfall on the lands beside the mountains. The mountains block rain. Also, clouds moving towards the lands rise to avoid the mountains, cooling the clouds even more. As cool clouds cannot carry as much water, the rain will start to fall on the mountains and not the land beside them. Thus, the lands beside the mountains hardly get rain and are dryer and hotter.

Why clouds not fall?

The clouds don't fall because they are very light

Do clouds fall?


Why isn't precepitation uniform everywhere?

Deserts have very little water and very little that would cause water to fall from clouds (precipitation), Jungle have much water and, with mountains in and around them, have many ways for clouds to rain

Why does less rain fall on eastern slopes of western mountains?

The mountains themselves act as a barrier to their opposite slopes. In other words, the clouds cannot get to the other side of the mountain because the mountain is blocking its path.

Do snow fall from the sky or clouds?

Clouds. But technically it is falling from the sky, from clouds in the sky.

What does precipitation fall from?


Does rain fall from cumulonimbus clouds?

yes often heavy rain but rain can fall from different types of clouds

Do clouds condense and fall as rain?

Yes, clouds are basically water.

What caused the clouds to collapse?

Clouds don't really collapse but they do 'fall' from the sky as rain. You see clouds are made from water vapour that evaporate from the sea forming clouds and think how do they fall the fall by rain the water vapour creates water droplets and it's too heavy so they fall by rain

What causes rain or hail to begin to fall?

rain: the clouds collect eough water from the ocean to the clouds and the clouds get too heavy and have to fall down. hail: the water from the clouds get frozen and turn into snow