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Q: Where are major deposites found of arsenic?
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The largest deposits of sphalerite is found in the US.

Is arsenic a metal found in the body?

1. Arsenic is not a metal, but a metalloid. 2. Arsenic is not found in a normal human body.

What is arsenic found in?

Inorganic arsenic compounds are found in soils, sediments, and groundwater. These compounds occur either naturally or as a result of mining, ore smelting, and industrial use of arsenic. Organic arsenic compounds are found mainly in fish and shellfish.

Where is arsenic found?


Where in the world can arsenic be found?

Arsenic's location is unknown.Supposedly Albertus Magnus found it in Germany,but all we know is that he lived there.

What is the valency of Arsenous?

3 The main species of arsenic found in the environment are the arsenic (III) and arsenic (V).

Where can the element arsenic be found?

in ground

What minerals that are heavy durable and chemically resistant are likely to be found in what kind of deposites?

minerals that are heavy,durable and chemically resistant are likely to be found in depsits

Who found the element arsenic?

Arsenic was discovered in 1250 by Albertus Magnus. The place of discovery is unknown. x

What are Vermont's major agriculture?

hardwood, maple, birch, beech and ash also large asbeastos, granite, marble, and talk deposites

How do you get rid of cellulose?

Cellulose is a form of carbohydate found in plant cells. if you mean CELLULITE, which is like deposites of fat on legs which leaves a dimpled effect on the skin, i would suggest scrubbing your legs and massaging your legs with moisturiser to shift the fatty deposites.