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The Old English word was weder.

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Q: Where did the word weather come from?
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A tsunami can come during any kind of weather, as they are not weather-related.

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The Latin word meaning weather is tempestas.

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The word weather has two syllables.

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what kind of noun is the word weather?

The noun 'weather' is a common, uncountable, abstract noun, a word for the state or conditions of the atmosphere at a given place and time; a word for a concept. The word 'weather' is also a verb and an adjective.

What is the longest word you can make from the letters in the word WEATHER?

Words that can be made from the letters in 'weather' are:aahareartatateaweeareartheateatereraethereweewerhahareharthathatehaterhehearheartheatheaterherherehewrahratraterawreheatrheatartareteatearteethawthetheetherethreetreewarwarewartwaterwewearwerewetwhatwheatwherewhetwrathwreathwreathe

What is the root word of weather?

The root word of weather is "weath," which comes from the Old English word "weder" meaning "air, sky, weather."

Can you give me a homophones for the word weather?

You are going to clean your room whether you want to or not.Do you care whether I come home today or tomorrow?I want to make a big Christmas dinner whether we have company or not.